War is a fact of life in a fallen world. But what can the study of earthly warfare teach us about our daily battles or even spiritual conflict?
Your students will take a journey across millennia to learn the evolution of warfare. From techniques and tactics to modern technology and all its implications on future wars. What does it mean to win a war? What determines success or failure? From the biblical wars and conflicts, ancient Asia, Greece, Ottoman, Persian, and Roman empires…to Pax Britannica and the eventual rise of modern Great Power Competition, students will learn what changed, but also what remain transcendent in wars across time. As this is a first-year offering, the curriculum is still under development. Classes will consist of readings, articles, and classroom exercises. This is an experiential class, and we will reenact certain battles and build/craft certain instruments of war. These class projects are meant to allow history to come alive to our students and help them understand how each leap in tactics or technology changed the face of war over time. Some offsite trips are anticipated. The cost covers all curriculum and the materials for class. Field trips or offsite engagements may require additional cost.