Adventure with us as we jump into literature with both feet-literally and figuratively! The beauty of Co-op is the time we have with each other to safely learn and collaborate. Deanna Jump’s curriculum will provide the framework for this fresh approach to literature for your littles using engaging and thought-provoking titles. Classical selections will be brought into the classroom to supplement this hands-on approach to learning fiction and non-fiction text features and reading strategies to cultivate a love for literature. Vocabulary, reading, listening, sentence structure, and writing will be a focus each week. We will explore all aspects of texts: pictures, headings, title, setting, story elements, visualizing, etc., and learn how to ask as well as answer questions to help understand text. Biblical integration will be part of each unit to develop a passionate search for truth in all we do, see, hear, and read in our journey to grow in the Lord. Activities for home study will be offered via Mellow Yellow to strengthen language arts skills, including phonics, writing, and thinking skills. Feedback during class will be offered as students participate and grow at their individual level. Phonics will be strengthened but this course is designed to create a love of literature and expose to understanding text. Read-aloud selections may be purchased separately or checked out from the library. (There are also many YouTube videos with selections read by the author.)
Mellow Yellow Education online platform has weekly at-home lessons for you to print and complete at your discretion. Each week lesson plans, phonics activities, and language arts skills will be available to print and add to notebook as student completes. You can print as many or few activities as you would like.
No text needed
Materials: 2 primary composition books (OR 3-ring binder with tab dividers and notebook paper), AND Basic art materials should be brought in backpack each week: glue sticks, scissors, crayons or markers or colored pencils, pencils, erasers