Welcome to Legit Lit (9-12)! We are excited to incorporate reading and writing in this comprehensive course for 2025-2026. Learning Language Arts through Literature is the curriculum we will use to explore British Literature. This study will include short stories, novels, essay composition, and poetry. What a joy we have to present content and also teach Biblical truths in tandem. Please provide a copy of a New American Standard Bible for your child to refer to during our literature study. Lessons will be divided into 5 days. In-class participation, as well as online assignment submission will be offered.
Preparation of home study assignments will provide skill-building practice and will assist in gleaning the maximum Co-op experience while sharing in class. The goal here is to think independently, confidently verbalize, and respectfully hear others in a roundtable or Socrative setting. The goal is less about making a grade or getting an “A” but mastering and critically thinking about material while confidently expressing thoughts.
Texts: Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Gold British Literature Edition Homeschool Kit by Common Sense Press, including Teacher Manual, Answer Key, British Poetry Anthology, and Novels: Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus - Mary Shelley. Bantam-Random House (or any edition of the 1818 publication).
Emma - Jane Austen. Bantam-Random House.
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens. Penguin Group. The Time Machine - H.G. Wells. (Any unabridged publication).
Animal Farm - George Orwell. (Any unabridged publication). Materials: binder or folder, notebook paper, pencils, pens, highlighters, Post-It notes