Welcome to Let’s Go! Lit (7-8) Middle school students are hungry for deeper examination of literature selections to compare and contrast the elements that build story complexity. Discussions in class encourage students to summarize, debate, predict logically and think critically while also examine Biblical truths either glaringly absent or found in characters or story lines. This course will explore literary elements, writing composition, grammar, reading strategies, spelling, and study skills. Deeper understanding of simile, metaphor, hyperbole, and alliteration among other literary devices further the student’s reading comprehension. Students will gain experience verbalizing perceived strengths and weaknesses in literature, thereby building confidence in reading, thinking, speaking, and listening skills.
Preparation of home study assignments will provide skill-building practice and will assist in gleaning the maximum Co-op experience while sharing together in class. Feedback will be offered as students participate and grow at their individual level in lieu of letter grades. Projects may be assigned to monitor student progress.
Many families use this class to fulfill a core requirement for English Composition. Feedback will be given on essays but grades will be determined by the parent as teaching daily will require parental input and observation. The answer key is located within this curriculum so it will also be the parent's responsibility to monitor student access. Essays and book reviews will be assigned, as well as novel and play analysis. Students are expected to participate in class and complete assignments in order to ensure a rich classroom environment and maximum engagement through games, live interaction, and discussion.
Texts: Learning Language Arts Through Literature GRAY Homeschool Kit, including Student Workbook, Teacher Manual, and novels: Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster
A Lantern in Her Hand by Bess Streeter Aldrich
Eric Liddell by Catherine Swift
God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew
Materials: binder or folder with notebook paper, pens, pencils, erasers, highlighters, Post-It notes