Course Description: Health and Nutrition Basic Set
Are you ready to explore health and wellness for youth? Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition, 2nd Edition is designed to help students implement healthy lifestyle habits as they navigate the transition into young adulthood. This course covers essential topics to equip students with the knowledge they need to make informed choices about their health and well-being. The basic set includes the Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition, 2nd Edition textbook and the student notebook.
Two Ways to Earn Credit for This Course:
• Elective Credit:
Students taking Health and Nutrition as an elective will need both the textbook and student notebook, which is written in a conversational, easy-to-read style. As an elective, students are expected to read the text and complete assignments to demonstrate comprehension. The notebook contains projects, Study Guides, and exams for the student to complete for State credit to demonstrate comprehension. • State Requirement Credit:
Students taking this course to fulfill state health requirements should also purchase the both the textbook and student notebook, which is written in a conversational, easy-to-read style. The notebook contains projects, Study Guides, and exams for the student to complete for State credit to demonstrate comprehension. Parental Note: This course covers a broad range of health topics, some of which may require a higher level of maturity. It includes detailed discussions of the reproductive system, with accurate yet respectful illustrations and descriptions. Additionally, the course addresses sensitive subjects such as marriage, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, alcohol and drug abuse, depression, and pornography. These topics are presented with care and respect, but parents are encouraged to use their discretion to determine whether the content aligns with their child's maturity level. We also highly recommend that parents engage with their child throughout the course to ensure that individual family values and lessons are thoughtfully discussed.
Course Material: It is the responsibility of the student to purchase the Apologia- Health and Nutrition, 2nd Edition- Basic textbook and the student notebook.