This class will focus on pivotal battles fought in major wars that have had a significant impact in world history. Events leading to war, reasons for fighting, allies and enemies, war strategies, tactics, technology, weapons, military leaders, geography, outcomes, and consequences will be studied and possibly re-enacted if students choose to do so. We will begin with The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Battles to focus on will be chosen by students. In chronological order, battles to choose from are the Punic Wars, the Crusades, Mongol invasions, Hundred Years War, Byzantine-Ottoman Wars, 30 Years War, 7 Years War, French/Napoleonic Wars, American Revolutionary War, American Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Cold War, and the War on Terror . The amount of time spent on each battle/war will be determined by the majority of students’ interest.
Homework assignments and grades will be posted on Mellow Yellow.
Required Materials
2” 3 ring binder
Notebook paper
1 Folder
Laptop/tablet/smartphone for research in class
*The Art of War (Annotated): Sun Tzu's Original Version of The Art of War in English, Complete Text and Commentaries explaining Sun Tzu's Military Strategy and Tactics Paperback – May 20, 2023
by Sun Tzu (Author), Lionel Giles (Translator)
Recommended Resources These books are great for boys and girls!
*Great Battles for Boys: The American Revolution by Joe Giorello
*Great Battles for Boys: Ancients to Middle Ages by Joe Giorello
*Great Battles for Boys: Civil War by Joe Giorello
*Great Battles for Boys: Bunker Hill to WWI by Joe Giorello
*Great Battles for Boys: WW2 Pacific by Joe Giorello
*Great Battles for Boys: WW2 Europe by Joe Giorello
*Great Battles for Boys: The Korean War by Joe Giorello