Course Overview:
Language Arts
Learning Language Arts Through Literature Complete Package Gray by Common Sense Press covers grammar, diagramming, vocabulary, reading skills, spelling skills, penmanship, short story, poetry, and research writing units plus higher order thinking skills. A student notebook and a teacher’s manual are included in the package. Two books we will read are included in the package: God’s Smuggler and Eric Liddle. The curriculum is easy to follow with 36 lessons in all. Each lesson consists of 5 days of assignments. We will follow the weekly schedule posted on my Mellow Yellow website.
History (1/2 high school credit for government)
Uncle Sam and You Part 2 by Notgrass is the second text completing the study of American history and government. How do elections work? What does the President do all day? Who decides where stop signs go? What is Labor Day?
Your student will learn about elected leaders and everyday citizens who have important roles to fill in making our country work. Students will record weekly current events and participate in at least one community service project of their choice. In class we will explore the U.S. Constitution with Rick Green’s Constitution Alive series. Students will gain valuable knowledge about how our government is supposed to operate and the unalienable rights we all have. We will follow the weekly schedule posted on my Mellow Yellow website.
Science (1 high school credit)
Exploring Creation with Physical Science 2nd edition by Jay Wile/Apologia explores the study of the key concepts and theories explaining/modeling specific aspects of the behavior of creation. The text covers the basic principles of earth science, physics, chemistry, and astronomy. Hands-on experiments are included throughout, giving students practical experience as they discover the principles behind the science! Looking at the world from a creationist position, topics are all presented with an eye towards God's role in everyday life. See Corey about borrowing the textbook and answer key from our library. We will follow the weekly schedule posted on my Mellow Yellow website.
Math (1 high school credit)
Mrdmath Algebra I is an accredited online course providing the foundation students require for future success in high school mathematics, critical thinking, and problem solving. The primary goal in Algebra I is to help students transfer their concrete mathematical knowledge to more abstract algebraic generalizations. Topics include recognizing and developing patterns using tables, graphs, and equations. In addition, students will explore operations on algebraic expressions and apply mathematic properties to algebraic equations. Students will solve problems using equations, graphs, and tables to investigate linear relationships. Students will be assigned homework via the website to complete each week and must bring the Algebra I coursework workbook pages to class each week (You may also print the workbook pages from each chapter). They will keep track of their progress and record their grades in the online gradebook. In class, students will have the opportunity to review the week’s assignments, ask questions, seek extra help, work in small groups, and play math games.
Students will have a 30 minute lunch break and will need to pack a lunch. At the end of each month we will have Pizza Day, where students can bring $5 for two slices and a dessert.
Field Trips
One class field trip will be planned at the end of the year. If most parents and students are willing and able, we will attend Teen Pact in Tallahassee, Florida (More information on this to come). Evaluations:
As a Florida Certified Teacher, I will give homeschool evaluations at the end of the school year for students who have satisfactorily completed the Core 8 coursework. You will need to submit the evaluation to your county. Required Course Texts: **Language Arts: Learning Language Arts Through Literature Complete Package Gray by Common Sense Press
**History: Uncle Sam and You Part II, Blue Student Workbook, and Answer Key by Notgrass, and Constitution Alive class workbook by Rick Green (go to to purchase)
**Science: Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 2nd Edition student textbook, and Solutions & Tests book by Jay Wile/Apologia. See Corey to borrow the textbook from her library.
**Mr. D Math Curriculum will be purchased by TEACH for your student. Log in and Print out will be given on first day of class
**Reading: "Rush Revere and the Presidency" by Rush Limbaugh, and "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, and "Night" by Elie Wiesel
Required Materials: 2” 3 ring binder with 4 dividers labeled – “Language Arts”, “American Gov”, “Science”, “Science Labs”
2” 3 ring binder for Algebra I workbook pages Notebook paper
Graph paper
BYOD- “bring your own device” such as a Laptop/ipad
**If you have a smartphone, you may bring it to class to use when we play Kahoot or to research topics. When we are not playing games or researching, phones will be placed in an assigned pocket in a door pocket chart.
You are in charge!
All assignments are subject to parental discretion. If you deem it necessary to alter, enrich, or omit assignments, it is your prerogative as a homeschooling parent to adjust curriculum to meet your child’s needs.