Science: Unit studies will include an Introduction to the Scientific Method; Learning the Building Blocks to the Structure of Life; Human Body Systems; and Interactions between Humans and Earth. Weekly class meetings will introduce new concepts and some weeks will include hands-on labs and activities to engage students in active learning. Homework will include activities to ensure comprehension.
Math: Concepts will be introduced and reviewed during weekly class time. Homework and quizzes will ensure concepts are understood and mastered, as well as providing on-going reinforcement for the entire year. Concepts will include a review of place value (digit/word form) and long multiplication and division; and an introduction/study of fractions, decimals, beginning geometry and algebra.
History/Geography: We will study US Geography (learning all the states, capitals, locations, and fun facts) and US History through major events and the Presidents with History Bites. Hands-On activities and oral reports will give students the opportunity to learn how to prepare and deliver speeches, as well as overcome a fear of doing so - a valuable life lesson!
Language Arts: The reading curriculum includes novels that grab the attention of students and encourages them to 'think beyond the text' to apply the lessons learned to their own life. Students will learn to answer text-dependent questions that build in complexity each week, as more skills are introduced. The language curriculum will keep grammar and word study standards fresh throughout the year. In addition, novel reading assignments will correspond with lessons from the history/geography curriculum, making the reading meaningful and reinforcing an understanding from both studies.
Grammar: Rather than repetitive lessons that cover the same concepts over and over each year, Analytical Grammar helps students build their knowledge sequentially at their own pace, with concise, concrete lessons and plenty of practice.
Cursive Handwriting: Students will learn to write and read cursive letters/words/passages.
Keyboarding: Students will use an online platform to learn PROPER keyboarding skills.
Class fee includes ALL Curriculum