Core 4 at Trinity will focus on working our way through the core subjects: English, math, science and history with a concentration on world geography and culture while also having fun! We will celebrate our learning with a Country Fair offering a fun and comprehensive multimedia presentation. Lesson plans will be given for 5 days. On core days, we will utilize games, labs, group activities, songs, and collaborative projects while using our textbooks as foundational learning opportunities. Lesson plans are provided in Mellow Yellow Education platform.
Weekly Bible verse memory will be provided. Core Days will include Biblical Integration across subject areas. Core will provide the foundation for learning and often we will get messy and be loud and enjoy our friends in the process.
Math topics include equations, rounding, graphing, metric system, map reading, fractions, decimal equivalents, money counting and making change, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, word problems and critical thinking
ELA will target comprehensive topics: reading a minimum of 4 novels, comprehension, reading strategies, writing sentences and paragraphs, poetry, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Science topics: living things, insects, plants, forces and machines, electricity & magnetism, digestive & skeletal systems.
History will piggyback on ELA as students learn to research a country, take notes, and compose sentences and paragraphs, then compose a project about the country’s location, culture, government, economy, landforms, and interesting places. We will study each of the continents through hands-on activities, songs, and maps. Biblical integration is also part of the history curriculum.
Mellow Yellow Education is our online platform for communication, lesson plans, grading, etc. Although there are no formal “grades” for this level, occasionally there could be an assignment to submit that will receive a number or letter grade or written feedback.
My goal this year is to provide your precious child with the tools and skills with which to grow and develop academically, spiritually, emotionally, and socially while you are away (and to have fun, too!)
Textbooks available through The Homeschool Hive:
Horizons 4 Math Teacher Edition: August 202 Printing, ISBN: 978-1-58095-994-0, Student Book 1 December 2020 Printing, ISBN: 978-1-58095-986-5 & Book 2 April 2021 Printing, ISBN: 978-1-58095-987-2. Common household items are needed for curriculum; browse Teacher Manual to make sure you have them on hand. Clocks, multiplication charts, pattern blocks, linking cubes, and rulers are in the classroom.
Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Orange Book, (3rd edition) Student and Teacher Manual and Novels: The Boxcar Children (#1) by Gertrude Chandler Warner, Wilbur and Orville Wright, Augusta Stevenson; Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin by His Good Mouse Amos, Robert Lawson; Sign of the Beaver, Elizabeth George Speare Bob Jones University Press (BJU) Science 4, 4th Edition Homeschool Kit. Cover color is brown. BJU Representative can place your order. Julie Falls:
History/Geography: My Father's World Exploring Countries and Cultures, 3rd edition, Student Sheets, Rand McNally Classroom Atlas, Optional: Passport, Flags of the World Sticker Book, Teacher Manual
Bible of your choice
Materials: Backpacks, rolling if possible, should always contain 2 binders (1-1 1/2" each) with labeled tabs: 1 binder-ELA, Math, Science, Bible, Paper; 2nd binder: World, Antarctica, Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America. Pencil pouches containing pencils, pens, highlighters, Post-It notes, glue sticks, colored pencils or markers, scissors.