We will have a blast this year working our way through the core subjects: English, math, science and history with a concentration on US history and government. Lesson plans will be given for 5 days. On core days, we will utilize games, labs, songs, and collaborative projects while using our texts as foundational learning opportunities. Lesson plans are provided in Mellow Yellow Education platform.
Weekly Bible verse memory will be planned. Core Days will include Biblical Integration across subject areas. Core will provide the foundation for learning and we will get messy, be loud, and enjoy our friends in the process.
Horizon 3 is a strong comprehensive approach to math, with review built into each lesson throughout the year. Math will encompass measurement (metric and US customary), geometric shapes, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division calculations, fractions, telling time, Roman numerals, counting money, word problems, multi-step calculations and word problems to highlight main skills.
ELA will target writing sentences, paragraphs, and poems, reading strategies, grammar, spelling, and cursive handwriting. Students will study a minimum of four novels.
Science will address physical, natural, and biological topics. Students this age love to study animals, plants, moon, planets, oceans, sound, weather, rocks, motion, food chains and webs.
History will be comprised of US history, government, and American Revolution. Technology, hands-on activities, songs, and games will be used to have fun while learning.
Textbooks: The Homeschool Hive provides a link to all curriculum and will be available at Open House to fill orders: Horizons 3 Math, December 2020 Printing for Teacher Manual, ISBN: 978-1-58095-971-1, Student workbooks 1 & 2 November 2021 Printing, ISBN: 978-1-58095-970-4 Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Third edition, YELLOW Student and Teacher Books. Novels: The White Stallion, Elizabeth Shub; Madeline, Ludwig Bemelmans; Meet George Washington, Joan Heilbroner; The Courage of Sarah Noble, Alice Dagliesh
Science: Bob Jones University Press (BJU) Science 3, Fifth Edition Homeschool Kit (white cover), includes all workbooks and teacher manual
History provided by teacher
Bible of your choice
Materials: Backpacks, rolling, if possible, should be brought to class each week with: 1-1 1/2" binder, tabs labeled Bible, ELA, Math, Science, History, Paper. Please also include pencil pouch with pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, colored pencils or marker, glue sticks, scissors, Post It notes