Welcome to CORE 10 with Mrs. Wilson. We will be using Apologia Chemistry (with labs), Notgrass US History, US Literature books, and Mr. D Algebra II. For US Literature, we will be reading Scarlet Letter, Fahrenheit 451, and Hunger Games Book 1. If we have time, we will review the play, Our Town. We will watch the movie, Uncle Tom's Cabin.
There is a tremendous amount of information, so please read all the way through:
PRE-REQUISITES: None for US History/US Literature/Chemistry
For Algebra II: Algebra I and, preferably, Geometry. Algebra I and, preferably, Geometry. Your student should be able to achieve 13 out 15 correct without assistance* on the Section I portion of the Algebra II readiness exam, and 11 out of 15 on Section II. *Without assistance - if you just had to give a minor jog of the memory, that is fine, but then they should be able to do the exam again without assistance.
IF your student does not pass this and/or needs a different math class, please contact Mrs. Wilson and Corey McKeown for potential options. CURRICULUM/SUPPLIES: All supplies, as well as ALL required textbooks ($110 US History, $25 World Literature, and $134 Chemistry textbooks are INCLUDED in the cost of the course! Instructor has severe allergies. Please do NOT register for this class unless you agree that your child will not come to class with scented body/hair products - including essential oils or latex (ie balloons). Exceptions for scent is peppermint, spearmint, eucalyptus, and menthol. I will provide soap and hand sanitizer that is allergen-free for students who need it. A reaction can cause class disruption.
MATH CURRICULUM: Mr. D Math Curriculum will be purchased by TEACH for your student. Log in and Print out will be given on first day of class All other curriculum is provided by the instructor and included in the tuition fee.
REQUIRED: STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO USE A LAPTOP or IPAD for certain projects. They can be kept in a bin with me until that class project, if you prefer. LAPTOPS AND IPADS will not be allowed during regular class time.
RECOMMENDED: CALCULATOR: A TI-84 PLUS CE is recommended for homework. I will provide calculators for in-class work. I do not require specific binders or notebooks - it depends on what the student prefers for note taking and keeping a small amount of papers. GRADES: This is a high school core, so recommended grading will be provided. Students will be required to keep up at least a C average to remain in the class. Class participation and homework are mandatory. Mr D grades will be graded by the student/parent manually (workbook) and automatically (quizzes and tests) and will be on a separate website.