One High School Credit upon completion.
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of ancient civilizations and their profound impact on the world. Students will journey through time, uncovering the stories of great empires, innovative societies, and remarkable individuals that shaped human history. From the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia to the philosophical realms of ancient Greece, and the grandeur of Rome, this class dives deep into the political, social, economic, and cultural developments of these early societies.
The Mystery of History Volume I: “Creation to the Resurrection”
Volume I covers world history from Creation (c. 4000 B.C.) to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (c. A.D. 33). Where most ancient studies encompass only Egypt, Greece, and Rome, this textbook goes further to blend secular and sacred events on one seamless timeline.
Required Materials
The Mystery of History Volume I: Creation to the Resurrection, Third Edition & Companion Guide by Linda Lacour Hobar
2” 3 ring binder
Notebook paper
Laptop/tablet to conduct research and work on projects in class